Why You Should Take Constipation Seriously!
Constipation is not just limited to the aged ones anymore. Many people of the younger age groups are dealing with this condition globally. According to a survey 22% of Indian adults suffer from constipation.

What is Constipation?
It is a common condition of the gastrointestinal region. Although the definition of constipation varies from person to person, it is usually defined as a condition in which a person cannot pass stools more than three times a week. Constipated patients often complain of dry stools. Therefore, it is hard to expel out bowel waste when stools are hard and dry.
5 Common symptoms of constipation
These are the common symptoms of constipation you should look out for:
Difficulty in passing stools
Pain while passing stools
Not being able to empty your bowels completely
Bloating before passing stools
Loss of appetite

The normal human body works by expelling the stools out of the body at frequent intervals of time. However, the stools remain in the body for longer durations of time in case of constipation. The main cause of constipation is the changes in eating habits. However, not drinking enough water is also a leading cause of having constipation. In other words, dehydration invites constipation.
One of the main reasons for constipation in kids is resisting to pass stools. Moreover, eating or drinking excessive dairy products also lead to constipation.
Medicines that cause constipation
Many medicines also result in constipation. Narcotic drugs and Antidepressants are known to cause constipation. Moreover, some over-the-counter drugs like iron pills and antacids may also cause constipation. On the other hand, laxatives are also a leading cause of constipation.
Constipation in pregnant females
Apart from this, pregnant females can also develop constipation temporarily. It is mainly due to an increase in the progesterone hormone which happens in pregnancy. This hormone causes relaxation of muscles, due to which intestinal muscles also relax, causing constipation. It is common during pregnancy.
To prevent this from happening, pregnant females should take a high-fibre diet along with vitamins and minerals. They are also asked to drink lots of water to keep them hydrated. Pregnant females are also advised to do physical activity which stimulates bowel movement.
How to treat constipation?
The treatment of constipation depends on how severe it is. If it is temporary, it can be cured by following home remedies. Otherwise, it might need medical assistance in serious cases. The patient might need to see a doctor and take prescribed medicines for a few days.
Some natural ways of treating constipation include staying hydrated as much as possible and exercising daily to keep the bowel movement functioning. Moreover, it is suggested to include more soluble fibres in the diet. Fibres help by increasing the consistency of the stools so that they can pass more easily. However, it is recommended that fibres should only be taken in limited amounts as they can cause problems like bloating, pain and gas.

In some people, drinking caffeine also helps. Drinking caffeine in the form of coffee helps by stimulating the muscles present in the digestive system. It also contains a small amount of soluble fibre.
Probiotic drinks are also helpful in treating constipation. They contain gut-friendly bacterias which help in digesting food and expelling it out of the body in the form of waste. Prebiotic foods also help in treating chronic constipation.
